Precision Optical Coatings


Siltint provides a full range of Thin Film Vacuum Coating services for customers in the photonics and precision optical industries.

Antireflection : With more than 40 years experience in depositing antireflection coatings on glass and plastic substrates, Siltint offers a range of AR coatings for the ultraviolet (UV), visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.  ….read more

Optical Fibres & Telecoms : Siltint has extensive experience of applying high performance antireflection coatings to optical fibres and capillaries. Antireflection coatings can reduce the back reflection from approximately 4{e79fe254d6ae814c296783dc83abc320def58bb44fbd6704625e15fb6a3f4d80} to less than 0.1{e79fe254d6ae814c296783dc83abc320def58bb44fbd6704625e15fb6a3f4d80}, equating to a return loss figure of -30dB, allowing greater amplification of the main signal in networks.   ….read more

Optical Filters & Beamsplitters : As well as standard high/low pass filters Siltint offers bandpass, notch and colour dichroic filters in the UV, visible and NIR regions to customers specifications.  Beamsplitters, used to separate different polarisation states and/or wavelengths of light, are available for both low power and high power applications.  ….read more

Dielectric Mirrors :  Where metal layers are unacceptable the solution lies in the application of dielectric quarter-wave coating stacks and Siltint can design and apply such stacks centred on customer specified wavelengths.  ….read more



Design, development and production services for all your Thin Film Coating requirements

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